> How do we deal with user pages? User pages are in the sublist (left panel) but needs to display some metadata about the user (eg. their comment and link karma). I would say if the search bar detects the search starting with /u/ or /user/ it changes the sidebar headerbar like so: ![user karma and profile](http://i.imgur.com/XfEXvD5.png) This is a very rough draft, something doesn't fell 100% imo. I think we need icons to convey the link/comment karma buttons but I honestly can't come-up with an icon for karma (except the ying/yang), so.... > How do we deal with comments being displayed in the sublist (eg, user pgaes or /inbox)? Same as currently? I would say the current approach would work but when you click the thread in the sidebar it automatically opens the full thread. Honestly not really sure about this one. > For the favourite subreddits list, we probably need a settings view right (to let the user sort and change what is displayed). Is that a modal dialog? How do we link to that from the popover I'm still learning python & gtk3 my self so I can't give you a 100% answer. Here is an idea for the favorite menu: ![favorites menu](http://i.imgur.com/uguPkwY.png) 3 questions: > Do we put links to the user's inbox in their favourite subreddits list? > Do we need the "login" action in the application menu, or should it be accessable via pressing the username button? > What are your thoughts on how the username popover should look? (what happens when you click the username button in the top left corner?) I was thinking this? ![login](http://i.imgur.com/hzuq9zj.png) I'm also guessing doing a native login form is more effort then it's worth? ~~ Bonus ~~ Start page: ![start page](http://i.imgur.com/qS24Htv.png) Updated the split view icon, nothing major but just keeping it up-to-date: ![overall](http://i.imgur.com/SVx8wJ8.png) ----------- I'll answer the rest tomorrow, getting late here and was doing the mock-ups for each question before answering the next. I'll also do a pull request for /design when I have all the mock-ups done. ``` > Do you have any ideas about the way that user flairs are displayed, as well as the display of the "OP" and "MOD" stickers? > Where to thumbnails go in the new sublist design? > What is happening to the forward and back buttons for the webview? and the "open current page in external browser" button? > What should happen when the comments top bar (the one with the username, upvote, downvote, etc) is too long for the window? ```